Kids’ Choice Awards
& Kids’ Choice Sports

Live votes. Real-time updates. Gamified interactivity.
A truly kid-chosen experience on the slimiest, surprisiest night of the year.

  • When:
    KCA - Every Spring
    KCS - Summers 2014-2019

  • Roles: Content Director/Manager | Copywriting Lead | UX Copywriter

  • Why?
    Kids’ Choice Awards, plain and simple, is Nickelodeon’s Super Bowl. The goal in terms of interactive/digital content is always to provide a complementary, fully immersive 90-minute play-along experience by creating a story that is integral to the show yet stands on its own merit, and gives kids at home the opportunity to join the excitement and impact the show.
    It is a year-round endeavor, as we’re always iterating on previous experiences and planning campaigns for the future. We sift through the deluge of information - host(s), musical performances, nominees, special stunts - and key in on crucial moments for digital enhancements.
    Our voting experience remains a streamlined best-in-class showcase of proper UX and has also been gamified in the past.
    Night-of-show, we engage users with live voting opportunities to affect the show, with social integrations and real-time results able to display through on-air GFX.




Nick Helps